Here are a few tips to help new homeowners with any unexpected surprises.

Congratulations on your new home! The excitement of moving in is unmatched, but as a responsible homeowner, it's crucial to be prepared for unexpected situations. We've compiled some valuable tips to help you navigate potential challenges that may arise in your new home.

1. Invest in a home warranty. Consider getting a one-year home warranty, even if you didn't just buy the property. America's Preferred Home Warranty is a fantastic option, allowing you to choose your own contractors and vendors. This coverage can save you from unexpected expenses, as illustrated by a personal anecdote where a water heater replacement cost $3,200 two days before Christmas. Don't let Murphy's Law catch you off guard – secure your home with a warranty.

2. Address hard water issues. If your new home has hard water, it can lead to problems like calcium buildup in pipes and unappealing stains on faucets. In our recent experience in Ambler Borough, we had to deal with hard water affecting our home's aesthetics. Consider installing a water softener to mitigate these issues and maintain the longevity of your plumbing fixtures.

“Being proactive in addressing potential issues can save you both money and stress.”

3. Be mindful of sewer systems. Sewer line issues can be a costly surprise, whether due to calcification from hard water or tree roots growing through the line. When selling a home, many townships require a sewer lateral inspection. However, when buying, adding it as an inspection item is essential. Replacement of sewer lines can be expensive, and homeowner's insurance often doesn't cover issues outside the home. Don't overlook this critical aspect, and ensure your investment is protected.

4. Explore additional coverage. In addition to a home warranty, explore options for extra coverage. Some water companies offer sewer line coverage at a minimal monthly cost, providing peace of mind at a low expense. Take advantage of such opportunities to safeguard your home against unforeseen circumstances.

Remember, proactively addressing potential issues can save you both money and stress in the long run. If you're interested in learning more about home warranties or need further information, feel free to reach out. Protecting your investment is a top priority, and with the right precautions, you can enjoy your new home with peace of mind.